Temple Beth Israel Choir
Music, provided by our extraordinary volunteer and professional choir, is a defining part of our religious services and Temple life. The choir members’ dedication and talent has enhanced our services with their beautiful voices as they sing both traditional chants and contemporary melodies. Our volunteer choir, along with four professionals, participates in all holiday and Friday night Shabbat Services and performs at least one special concert for the congregation and members of the community annually. It is the major choral group at Longboat Key’s Annual Interfaith Service.

If you would like to be part of Temple Beth Israel’s choir, we invite you to join and sing with us. We sing weekly and have rehearsals generally every other week. No prior experience is necessary, only a love of singing!
The Temple choir sings every Friday night for the 5:30 p.m. Shabbat Service, with rehearsal at 4:45 p.m. the same night. It is fun, good for your spirit, and uplifting for us during Temple services.
If you are interested, contact Ann Stephenson-Moe at: (941) 735-4606 or email annstephensonmoe@gmail.com.
We Remember...

Florence Katz (z"’l) who, with her love of music, her determination, and her boundless energy, gave birth to the Temple Beth Israel choir, which continues to bring joy to our community. She served tirelessly as the choir and music director for 22 years. Florence graduated with a BA in music from Oberlin College (1937) and a music MA from Ohio State (1939.) She played the violin and later the viola in the Sarasota Pops Orchestra.
Florence passed away at the age of 100 in 2015. The Florence Katz Memorial Concert is held annually in her honor and memory
Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785